Hohenloher Sonette - Eine Korrespondenz
In the twenty-fifth year of their friendship, the painter Feodora Hohenlohe and the poet Jürgen Rennert, who celebrates his eightieth birthday this year, offer a glimpse into the artistic correspondence between their works. Inspired by Feodora's paintings, the sonnets collected in this volume were created from 1998 to 2022: fourteen-line speculations, interpretations, and commentaries of idiosyncratic charm. In her equally insightful and illuminating essay "The Heart is Flooded with Stories," Regina Scheer notes: "It is the same with these paintings and these sonnets as it is with the love between two grown people. Each is a whole being even without the other, each stands independently in the world, but when they connect, something arises that was not there before, something new that makes everything seem unfamiliar and completely different once again. There one does not merge into the other, there each remains recognizably an individual, but connections arise that can give everything a different meaning."
Voices on Hohenloher Sonette - Eine Korrespondenz and Feodora Hohenlohe + Jürgen Rennert:
Feodora Hohenlohe has successfully saved herself from the dangers of routine. If there is something recurrently common in these pictures, it is the virtuoso translation of materiality into painting. One wants to reach into the sheep's wool, one believes one can smell fruits and flowers, one hears the old suitcases creak. These are the classical wonders for whose sake painting has always been held in high esteem. They are not a style, but rather an ethos.
- Christoph Stölzl
Jürgen Rennert is a hothead without a long spoon. With a wide assortment of clay pots. He prefers to step on the toes of others. With his first poems for precocious children and ageless adults, he jumped out of the expected box. Later, too, he wrote against the grain. For this he liked to be brushed off: poetic descendant of such unequal ancestors as Heine and Benn, not inferior to them in the desire for political provocation and aesthetic shock.
- Richard Pietra in the Lyrikedition 2000
Further information
Poetry/Art 32 color illustrations
With a foreword by Regina Scheer
Additional product information
- Pages:
- 80
- Cover:
- Hardcover
- Measures:
- 17 x 21 cm
- Language:
- German
- Published:
- October 2023
- 978-3-96258-147-3