Legal Disclaimer
Managing Owner
Catharine J. Nicely
Pfalzburgerstr. 69,
10719 Berlin,
Tel: 030-86390429
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Catharine J. Nicely
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All rights of texts and images published on the PalmArtPress Website belong to PalmArtPress or the authors, artists and/or photographers specifically named among the texts or images. If one feels that their rights are violated, please clarify the question of the rights by contacting the managing owner of PalmArtPress, Catharine J. Nicely.
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This disclaimer is to be considered a part of the Internet offering that refers to this site. If parts of this text or individual formulations do not comply with, no longer comply with, or do not entirely comply with the valid legal regulations, this shall not affect the content or validity of the remaining parts of the conditions.
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