About Us
PalmArtPress is an independent press in Berlin founded in 2008 by the publisher Catharine J. Nicely. A distinct feature of PalmArtPress is its promotion of cultural diversity and international exchange beyond the mainstream. Through the experimental combination of literature and art, its mission is to present the creative spirit of writers from all disciplines as reflected in the visual arts. The program includes German and English prose, poetry, dramas, philosophy, and artbooks.
PalmArtPress Publishing Connections:
We support the Kurt Wolff Stiftung
Member of Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V.
Member of the American-German Business Club Berlin e.V.
Member of the Pirkheimer Gesellschaft e.V.
Publisher member of the Bücherfrauen e.V (Women in Publishing)
Supporter of the Buchhändlerkeller Berlin
Supporter of the Literaturhauses Berlin
Friends of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin