Internal events
External events
23 - 27 November 2022
Book Vienna - Fair and Festival
PalmArtPress is looking forward to your visit
Grünangergasse 4, 1010 Vienna
19 -23 October 2022
Frankfurt Book Fair
PalmArtPress has a booth there and is very happy about your visit (booth number to be announced)
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1,
60327 Frankfurt am Main
2 - 4 September 2022
Indie-Con - Book Fair
PalmArtPress is happy about your visit
Oberhafen Hamburg
Stockmeyerstrasse 43,
20457 Hamburg
Saturday 16 July 2022
1st reading
Jutta Habedanck reads from Die Hirnbüchse der Pandora und köstliche Langeweile
Admission 10 Euro, including welcome drink
Pfalzburger Street 6910719 Berlin
Saturday 16 July 2022
2nd reading
Axel Barner reads from Lennings Reise
as mentioned above: admission 10 Euro, including welcome drink
Pfalzburger Street 6910719 Berlin
14th of July 2022
Wolf Christian Schröder reads from "Die Weißweintrinker" (The White Wine Drinkers)
Evangelisches Stift
Klosterberg 2,
72070 Tübingen
Saturday 9 July 2022, from 2 pm
Small Publishers at the Great Wannsee - Garden Fair
PalmArtPress is looking forward to your visit
Admission 8 Euro/ 5 Euro children are free
Literarisches Colloquium Berlin
Am Sandwerder 5
14109 Berlin
Friday 1 July 2022, 7 pm
Denise Buser reads from Sechs Beine stolpern nicht Fakten und Fabeln
Co-reader: Leonard Peters
Admission 10, includes welcome drink.
Pfalzburger Str. 69
10719 Berlin
Thursday 30 June 2022, 7-21 pm
Volker Kaminski reads from Herzhand
with musical interludes arranged by Herbert Dauksch-Maus on guitar
Gallery Z22
free admission
Zähringerstrasse 22,
10707 Berlin-Wilmersdorf
Sunday, 26th of June 2022ücherfest
PalmArtPress will be present at the book market throughout the day
Reading for this:
2:30 p.m.
Peter Wortsman reads from Geistertanz in Berlin.
Moderation: Stefanie Schuster
Admission free
June 25, 2022, 11:00-13:00
Frederic Wianka reads from Die Wende im Leben des jungen W.
Goethe Theater, Small Course Room
15 Euro admission, no reduction
Parkstraße 18
06246 Goethestadt Bad Lauchstädt
Saturday, 25th of June 2022, 7:00-22:00 p.m.
Volker Kaminski reads from Herzhand
In the context of the event reading and vernissage at the Mierendorff-Springbrunnen
connected with the reading is an exhibition of the INSEL art group KIIK
admission is free
in case of bad weather the reading will take place in the adjacent house at Mierendorffplatz.
Mierendorff Island, in the district of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Berlin
23rd of June 2022
Kornelia Boje reads from "Gesang der weißen Wände".
Bookstore Heinemann
Marktstr. 7-11,
37269 Eschwege
Sunday, 19th of June 2022, 2pm-7pm
Lyrikmarkt - 23. Poesiefestival Berlin
Akademie der Künste
Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin
Tuesday, 14th of June, 2022, 7 p.m.
Tanja Wekwerth reads from Seerosenzimmer
Insel Galerie
Petersburger Str. 76A
10249 Berlin
Friday, 10th of June 2022, 7 p.m.
Axel Barner reads from Lennings Reise.
Gallery Udo Würtenberger
Elberfelder Str. 10, 10555 Berlin
Saturday, 4th of June 2022, 6.45pm
Volker Kaminski is talking about E. T. A. Hoffmann in Königsberg
This event is taking place as part of the themed afternoon "Königsberg philosophisch und literarisch".
Entrance from 4.30pm on
Tickets 5 € / discount tickets 3 € (please reserve a free ticket)
Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus Chausseestraße 125
10115 Berlin
Thursday, 2nd of June 2022, 6pm
Volker Kaminski reads from "Herzhand"
Karl-Marx-Str. 66
12043 Berlin
Saturday, 28th of May, 6:30pm
Ingolf Brökel reads from "Friedenderhaltungssatz"
as part of the Kunst-Loose-Tage 2022, with many more exhibitions and events.
15324 Letschin, OT Kienitz, Hafenmühle, Deichweg 7
>> more information <<
Friday, 20th of May, 7pm
Wolfgang Kubin reads from "102 Sonette"
Pfalzburger Str. 69, 10719 Berlin
Wednesday, 18th May 2022, 7:30pm
Book presentation "Die Weißweintrinker"
Reading and discussion with
Wolf Christian Schröder (author)
and Catharine Nicely (publisher/PalmArtPress)
Afterwards everyone is invited to a conversation about the book and a glass of white wine
Thomas Morus Forum Gemeinde St. Ludwig
Thomas-Morus-Saal Gemeindehaus im Hof Ludwigkirchplatz 10 10719 Berlin
Saturday, 7th of May 2022, 6pm
„Weit sehe ich, weit in die Welten all.“ - A theater monologue with Ilse Ritter
Stadtkirche Buckow Königsstraße 57 15377 Buckow
Stage direction: Hannes Hametner Sound: Tilman Ritter Dramaturgy: Geoffrey Layton Costume: Erika Landertinger
Entrance free - donations are welcome
Thursday, 28th April 2022, 7pm
Saint James – Magische Bilder
Michael J. Wewerka presents Saint James' Magische Bilder
Introduction by Manfred Giesler, with piano music from Victor Nicoara
Pfalzburger Str. 69, 10719 Berlin
Entrance free
Monday, 25th April 2022, 8pm
Carmen Francesca Banciu reads "Fleeing Father"
with Ivana Sajko, Jacinta Nandi and Music by fam_djs - female paranoia a.o.
Ada Bar, Sonnenallee 100, 12045 Berlin
Monday, 11th April 2022, 8pm
Volker Kaminski reads from HERZHAND
Lesung im KOHI-KulturraumWerderstraße 47, 76137 KarlsruheEinlass ab 19 Uhr!<< Mehr Info >>
Thursday, 31st March 2022, 18:30 pm
Volker Kaminski reads from HERZHAND
Reading with Music at Ingeborg-Drewitz-Bibliothek
Grunewaldstr. 3, 12165 Berlin
Saturday, 26th March 2022, 7pm
Karin Reschke reads from ALLES IM LOT
Pfalzburger Str. 69, 10719 Berlin
Thursday, 24th March 2022, 7pm
Patricia Paweletz reads "Meerjungfrauengesang"
Fischhalle Harburg Kanalplatz 16 21079 Hamburg
Thursday, 17th March 2022, 7:30pm
Volker Kaminski reads from HERZHAND
Janusz-Korczak-BibliothekBerliner Str. 120-121, 13187 Berlin
Saturday, 19th March 2022, 12:15pm
Mechthild Henneke reads from "Ach, mein Kosovo!"
Presenter: Catharine J. Nicely
PopUp Buchmesse Leipzig,
Cammerspiele Kochstraße 132, 04277 Leipzig
Monday, 7th March 2022, 8pm
Roland Schäfer reads from DIE WEIßWEINTRINKER
Haus am Lützowplatz
Lützow Platz 9, 10785 Berlin
Free Entry
Saturday, 25th February 2022, 7pm
Vernissage: "Rock'n'Roll" Jürgen Wagner
Performance by Thomas Wagner with Martina Dünkelmann
Pfalzburgerstraße 69, 10719 Berlin
Wednesday, 16th February 2022, 8pm
Bookpresentation with Boris Schapiro and Reinhard Nierer, with Art by Inge Hildebrandt
LETTRETAGE, BERLIN, Veteranenstraße 21, Berlin
Friday, 28th January 2022, 8pm
Kornelia Boje reads from "Der Gesang der weißen Wände"
Breitenbach Platz/Südwestkorso Berlin
Thursday, 22. January 2022, 8 pm
Wolf Schröder reads from "Die Weißweintrinker"
Hostet by Hans Christoph Buch
Reading in Buchhändlerkeller
Carmerstr. 1, 10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg
Wednesday, 19. January, 18:30 – 20:00
Volker Kaminski reads from Herzhand
Reading with musical accompaniment at the Ingeborg-Drewitz libraryGrunewaldstr. 3, 12165 Berlin
Please register beforehand, via phone: (030) 90299 2410 or via e-mail:
Free entry, 2G (vaccinated or recovered)-verification with QR-Code