Wilhelm Nolte

Wilhelm Nolte, war child from the proud town of Zerbst, which, three weeks before the end of the war, a battle-obsessed colonel consigned to American bombardment lasting 40 minutes, which devastated, burned down the city. Drafted mountain trooper, career officer to prevent war, documentarian; Author, editor, lyricist; Focus: peace. Author of the nonviolent resistance-integrating Anti-nuclear-strategy "Autonome Abwehr" (1984), co-author of "Frieden gewinnen" (1987; "Winning Peace" 1989) and initiator and co-editor of analyses of General Staff training (1991, 1998). Since 1994 free-lance editor for peace research. Also long-time database manager of the war database of the University of Hamburg's "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kriegsursachenforschung" (AKUF) and director of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (AFK) e.V.".

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