Wolf Christian Schröder

Wolf Christian Schröder was born in Bremen. He spent his childhood and youth in Kiel and Tübingen, later in England. Afterwards he studied Slavic Studies at the Free University of Berlin. Drama translations from Russian and English. First novel: "Dronte, eine Geschichte aus der Freizeit." Writing of own stage plays, commission for the Hamburg Schauspielhaus. Further plays premiered in Hamburg, Hanover, Münster, Aachen and Constance. Libretto for the musical "Die Liebe" at the Ballhaus Ost, Berlin. Performance at the Literaturhaus Berlin for the novel "Harthaus". Most recently the novel "Honka mordet nicht mehr" was published.

Alfred Döblin scholarship; working scholarship Künstlerhaus Villa Waldberta, Starnberger See. 

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