Squaw Hildegard Rose

Squaw Hildegard Rose was born in Kiel in 1942 and died in Potsdam in 2017. 1961-1962 studied book graphics and graphic design at the Muthesius School of Crafts and Applied Arts in Kiel and 1962-1963 studied at the Braunschweig State Academy of Fine Arts. 1963 Marriage to Hans-Joachim Rose - 1964-2000 lived in Berlin - 1966 and 1973 birth of sons Daniel and Benjamin - 1981 Resumption of artistic activity, initially without interest in exhibitions - 1986-2001 member of GEDOK, until 2002 of BBK Berlin and member of BV Kärnten (Austria) - Exhibitions and participation in exhibitions 1986-2017.

Books by the author: