Internal Events
Pfalzburger Str. 69, 10719 Berlin
Pfalzburger Str. 69, 10719 Berlin
PalmArtPress on the go
University of Cottbus
Reading with Carmen-Francesca Banciu
More information to follow!
Sunday 11 June 2023, 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.
24. poesiefestival berlin
No one is an island
9. – 16.6.2023
Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin
24th poesiefestival Berlin
Yang Lian and Jan Wagner
Reading and book presentation
Academy of Arts, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin
Mainz, Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität
Martina J. Kohl
with Jerry Marwig
(in English)
in cooperation with: Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz e. V.
Stuttgart, Akademie für gesprochenes Wort
Martina J. Kohl
with Jerry Marwig
(in German and English)
In cooperation with: Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum/ James-F.-Byrnes-Institut e.V. Stuttgart
Eltville am Rhein – Über den Dächern von Eltville
Martina J. Kohl
with Jerry Marwig
(in German)
Eltville am Rhein – Über den Dächern von Eltville
Martina J. Kohl
with Jerry Marwig (in German)
PalmArtPress, Pfalzburger Str. 69, 10719 Berlin
Bruno F. Apitz
Reading & Vernissage
Presented by Catharine J. Nicely
15 EUR, including food & drinks
Grandhotel Cosmopolis, Augsburg
Sarah Kiyanrad and Christina Walker read from their current books
La Cantina, Elisabethstr. 53, 80796 Munich, Germany
Reading with Kornelia Boje
If you are interested, please register by mail:
or by phone at:
Driesener Str. 2210439 Berlin, Evening High School Prenzlauer Berg
LISTEN & READ - Literature at the Abendgymnasium Prenzlauer Berg
with Martina J. Kohl
FAMILY MATTERS - From Life in Two Worlds (German/English)
Literaturhaus Berlin Garden, Fasanen Str. 23, 10719 Berlin
In the context of the summer festival:
Friends of the House of Literature on the topic of exile literature
Literaturhaus Berlin Garden, Fasanen Str. 23, 10719 Berlin
As part of the summer festival:
Friends of the House of Literature on the topic of exile literature
Literary Colloquium Berlin, Am Sandwerder 5 - 14109 Berlin
Small publishing houses at the big Wannsee
We are there with our program!
Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, Am Sandwerder 5 · 14109 Berlin
Wolf Christian Schröder at 3:15 p.m.
More information to follow!
Berlin, English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center (Studio)
Martina J. Kohl
Reading in English/GermanDiscussion in English
Reading with Patricia Paweletz
More information to follow!
PalmArtPress, Pfalzburger Str. 69, 10719 Berlin
Book presentation Dorna,
with Sarah Kiyanrad
PalmArtPress, Pfalzburger Str. 69, 10719 Berlin
Book presentation Afterglow,
Reading and Vernissage with Matthias Hufnagl
from 11 - 18 o'clock
along the Langenstraße, 28195 Bremen
Lettrétage Berlin,
Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin
Reading and talk
with Johannes Balve
and Ingolf Brökel
The authors Ingolf Brökel and Johannes Balve exchange roles: Brökel reads Balve and Balve reads Brökel. On September 6, the two will bring their latest books of poetry, published by PalmArtPress in 2022. They will be accompanied by Rainer Frey on guitar.
Lettrétage Berlin,
Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin
Reading and talk
with Johannes Balve
and Ingolf Brökel
The authors Ingolf Brökel and Johannes Balve exchange roles: Brökel reads Balve and Balve reads Brökel. On September 6, the two will bring their latest books of poetry, published by PalmArtPress in 2022. They will be accompanied by Rainer Frey on guitar.
Literature House Schleswig-Holstein e.V.
Schwanenweg 13, 24105 Kiel
More information to follow!
Günter Grass House
Glockengießerstr. 21, 23552 Lübeck
Reading with Carmen-Francesca Banciu
More information to follow!
at Literaturhaus Lettrétage Berlin (at ACUD), Veteratanenstraße 21
Book premiere "RUA 17" by Volker Kaminski
Moderation: Marcus Jensen
PalmArtPress, Pfalzburger Str. 69, 10719 Berlin
Book presentation Herzbruch,
by Patricia Paweletz
15 EUR, including food & drinks
Glücksbuchladen Wuppertal
Friedrichstraße 52, 42105 Wuppertal
Reading with Sarah Kiyanrad
With music by Anoushe
Wiener Blut, Berlin
Wiener Straße 14, 10999 Berlin
Book party Afterglow by Matthias Hufnagl
More information to follow!
PalmArtPress, Pfalzburger Str. 69, 10719 Berlin
Book presentation Ilsebill salzt nach,
by Carmen-Francesca Banciu
15 EUR, including food & drinks
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main
More information to follow!
Prinz-Max-Palais, Karlstraße 10, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
in the context of the Literaturtage Karlsruhe
"RUA 17" by Volker Kaminski
Brechthaus Augsburg
Auf dem Rain 7, 86152 Augsburg
Reading with Sarah Kiyanrad
and Christina Walker