Archive 2021

Internal events

External events

Saturday, 04. December 2021, 8pm

Kornelia Boje reads from "Gesang der weißen Wände"

Reading in Vistéls CelloMusikSalon

Leipzigerstr. 61, 10117 BerlinRegistration via phone: 0163-3452994 or via e-mail:

Tickets 15 EUR

Thursday, 25. November 2021 from 16:00

Sara Ehsan reads from Bestimmung/Calling

Reading in the Bücherbüffet-Shop

Kaiserstraße 58-60, 76133 Karlsruhe

Free Entry

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Thursday, 04. November 2021 from 20:00

Volker Kaminski reads from Herzhand


Carmerstr. 1, 10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg

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Saturday, 13. November 2021 from 20:00

Kornelia Boje reads from Gesang der weißen Wände

Reading in La Cantina

Elisabethstraße 53, 80796 Munich

Registration via phone: 089-12737135 or via E-Mail:

Tickets 12 EUR (incl. Welcome drink)

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20.-24. October 2021

Frankfurter Buchmesse

PalmArtPress can be found here: Halle 3.1, A140

24. October 2021

Mechthild Henneke reads from Ach, mein Kosovo!

Lesebühne der Unabhängigen Verlage

Sunday, 17. October 2021 from 20:00

Book launch Weit sehe ich, weit in die Welten all

With Ilse Ritter

Schaubühne Berlin

Special event (Intern)


Name with a note: Guest list Ilse Ritter

Admission: Free – Contributions are welcome

Saturday, 16. October 2021 from 19:00

Volker Kaminski reads from Herzhand

Reading in the Hans-Werner-Richter-Haus

Waldstraße 1, Bansin Usedom

Telephone: 03837847801

(Tickets available online or at the box office)

Thursday, 14. October 2021 from 19:30

Book launch Geistertanz in Berlin

With author Peter Wortsman and translator Werner Rauch

At PalmArtPressPfalzburger Str. 69, 10719 Berlin

Please Register: 

Tel. 030-86390429

Admission: 10 EUR (Beverages included)

Note: The 3G rule applies to the event (please bring proof)

Monday, 11. October 2021 from 19:00

Volker Kaminski reads from Herzhand

Reading in PrinzMaxPalais during the Karlsruher Literaturtage

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Saturday, 02. October 2021 from 19:00

Book Presentation Klaus Ferentschik: Kalininberg & Königsgrad

75 years since the birth of Kaliningrad

Saturday, 25. September 2021 from 19:30

Kornelia Boje reads from Gesang der weißen Wände

At the Grolman Gallery

Grolmanstr. 5110632 Berlin

If you are interested and have time, please register here:

0163 548 69 58

and oh yes, please bring a mask ...

Saturday, 04. September 2021


From 3:00 p.m. with readings from:

Carmen-Francesca Banciu  

Kornelia Boje   

Susanne Alge   

Ingolf Brökel   

accompanied by Victor Nicoara (Piano)

From 7:00 p.m. with readings from:

Patricia Paweletz   

Irene Stratenwerth   

Wolf Christian Schröder  

accompanied by Barbara Klaus-Cosca (Accordion)

and other suprises!

Entrance fee: from 3:00 pm or 7:00 pm,

15 EUR each; both 25 EUR includes food and drinks

Reservations Requested

The event will observe the following: Mask requirement, social distancing, vaccinated, recovered or tested

Friday, 10. September 2021 from 20:00

Irene Stratenwerth reads from "Hurdy Gurdy Girl"

Accordion: Ulrich Kodjo Wendt

Spätcafe im Glockenhof

Große Bäckerstraße 17A

21335 Lüneberg

<<More Info>>

Duration: 12. June to 07. August 2021

Exhibition: Jörg Rubbert #We love the seaside

Beach Lovers

Galerie für Junge Künstler jkd

Grunewaldstr. 15

10823 Berlin

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Friday, 10. September 2021 from 20:00

Book premiere Herzhand

Reading with Volker Kaminski. 

The event will be moderated by the author and journalist Marcus Jensen.

It begins at 8 pm at Lettrétage in the ACUD-Studio at Veteranenstraße 21. 

Admission is 6 euros. Tickets online or at the box office.

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March 27 2021 to May 31 2021 

Berndt Wilde MY NY New York Drawings PalmArtPress Gallery

Mo. – Fr. 12 Uhr - 18 Uhr 

Sunday, 05. September 2021 from 11:00

International Literaturfestival Berlin 

Carmen-Francesca Banciu reads poetry on the occasion of the Worldwide Reading for the dead of the pandemic in September 2021 at the international literature festival Berlin.

Thursday, 02. September 2021 from 18:30

Sommerlichen Literaturtagen - FaDaF International

Ingolf Brökel reads from his latest collection of poems friedenserhaltungssatz

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Sunday, 29. August 2021 from 17:00

Patricia Paweletz reads from Meerjungfrauengesang

Moderation: Alexander Häusser

Accordion: Natalie Böttcher

Literaturhaus Hamburg

Schwanenwik 38

22087 Hamburg

Prior registration absolutely necessary at:

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Thursday, 27. May 2021 from 18:30 

Marko Martin: Die Unschuldigen von Ipanema und andere Erzählungen 

Location: naTo | online, possibly in front of live audience 

Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 46, 04275 Leipzig

Thursday, 27. May 2021 from 20:00 

Patricia Paweletz: Meerjungfrauengesang


e.V. Industriestraße 72, 04229 Leipzig

Sunday, 30. May 2021 from 14:00 to 14:30

Tanja Wekwerth Online Lesung mit Seerosenzimmer

Die Berliner Autorin Tanja Wekwerth liest Online aus ihrem neuen Roman "Seerosenzimmer", der die Leserschaft in die magische Variété-Welt der Goldenen Zwanziger Jahre in Berlin eintauchen lässt. Die junge Elsa wird von ihrem Vater, dem berühmten Zauberkünstler Jossi Albrecht, als seine Assistentin ausgebildet. Ein vielschichtiger, facettenreicher Roman, der mit dem Ende einer erstickenden Kindheit auch das Ende einer schillernden Ära einläutet.

Sunday, 06. June 2021 from 12:00 to 18:00

LitPotsdam: Brandenburgisches Bücherfest

On 06 June 2021, PalmArtPress will be present at the "Brandenburgisches Bücherfest"!

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