Internal Events
External Events
02. December 2017
Presentation: Broadsheets 101 – 125
Reading, Exhibition, Buffet
Music: Malte Darko (Piano) and Teresa Alda (Violin)
09. – 10. December 2017
09. December 2017, from 19:20
Klaus Ferentschik reads from Bisquitkrümel
Museum Quartier Vienna
19. November 2017 from 17:00
Book presentation: Light Breeze in Paradise – Ελαφρύ Αεράκι στον Παράδεισο
Reading in English and Greek with Carmen-Francesca Banciu
Introduction by:
Vassiliki Rapti, Ph.D.Affiliated Faculty, Department of Writing,Literature & Publishing, Emerson College, Director of the Advanced Training in Greek Poetry & Performance Workshop and Chair, Ludics Seminar, Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University Greek Music und Buffet
Admission 15 EUR (incl. food & beverages)
11. October – 15. October 2017
Frankfurt book fair
You can find us here: Hall 4.1, G20
30. September 2017 from 19:00
Book presentation: A Kafkaesque Memoir – Confessions from the Analytic Couch
Reading with Dennis McCourt
Introduction in German, reading in English
With musical accompanient
And candlelight buffet
Admission 15 Eur (incl. food & beverages)
04. May 2017 from 20:00
Book premier: im b. raum
Reading with Ingolf Brökel
The Raum (space) which Ingolf Brökels opens to the reader from several perspectives is a historical space in which an I lyrically highlights important stages in his development: precise, pointedly, and consistently laconic and simultaneously - among all upheavals - addressing the distinctive stable constant subtly and ironically: the focus on language.
The "b. raum" evening is completed with guitar-created electronic foundscapes in the peculiar style of Herr Blum.
Tickets from 1.4.17
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
Linienstr. 22, 710178 Berlin
09. September 2017 from 19:00
Book presentation: Bisquitkrümel
Reading with Klaus Ferentschik
Exhibition with works by Horst Hussel
Music: Musica Responsa, Heidemarie Wiesner (Piano) and Waltraut Elvers (Viola)
With musical accompanient
And candlelight buffet
Admission 15 EUR (incl. food & beverages)
23. – 26. March 2017
Leipzig book fair
You can find us here: Hall 3, D503
23. March 2017, 13.30 – 14:00
Gerd-Peter Eigner reads from MAMMUT
Forum Literatur 'buch aktuell': Hall 3, Stand E401
24. March 2017, 12 – 12.30
Ingolf Brökel reads from im b. raum
Forum Literatur Halle 5: Hall 5, Stand K600
25. March 2017, 12.30 – 13:00
Carmen-Francesca Banciureads from Filuteks Handbuch der Fragen
Forum Literatur 'buch aktuell': Hall 3, Stand E401
14. July – 26. August 2017
Exhibition: Transcience – Spur von Zeit
Exhibition by Christoph Brandl
Vernissage and concert Saturday, July 15th from 19:00
Music: Italian arias with Haim Tzabary (Tenor) and Ulrich Paetzholdt (Piano)
With candlelight buffet
Admission 15 EUR (incl. food & beverages)
15. January 2017
PalmArtPress Publisher,Catharine J. Nicely, Guest at "Zwischentöne"with Joachim Scholl
02. June 2017 from 19:00
Book presentation: Chaplin wird Zweiter
Reading with Jan Cornelius
Music: Victor Nicoara (Piano)
With candlelight buffet (à la Romania)
Admission 15 EUR (incl. food & beverages)
12. May 2017 from 19:00
Book presentation and exhibition: Vorfahren, Verwandte und andere Verwirrungen
Book presentation: Susanne Alge
Photography exhibition: Hartwig Riemann
22. April 2017 from 19:00
Book presentation: Die Sehnsucht nach dem Unbestimmten
In a salon-like atmosphere Gisela Dischner describes excerpts from the life of socio-critical minds in Berlin: Gottfried Benn, the poet and physician, F.D.E. Schleiermacher, the theologian, and Bettina von Arnim's Berlin salon. The evening is framed by music and a diverse Buffet including drinks.
Admission 15 EUR (incl. food & beverages)
01. April – 05. May 2017
Exhibition: FACES
Paintings by Thomas Schulz
Vernissage Saturday, April 1st 2017 from 19:00
Music: Ulrich Paetzholdt (Piano)
Admission 5 EUR